About Us

About Pencor Safety Consulting LTD.

Cam Peneff: Your Expert in Safety Consulting

The owner/manager of Pencor Safety Consulting Ltd. is Cam Peneff. Cam is a journeyman carpenter (Inter-provincial status) with over 30 years of experience in the field and in project management.

He attained National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) status through the Alberta Construction Safety Association in 2009 and Professional Gold Seal Certification (P.GSC) through the Canadian Construction Association in 2010.

In July 2014, Cam received his Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety from the University of New Brunswick, and in July 2016, he passed the CRSPEX and maintains the Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) designation.

He served on the Lakeland Regional Safety Committee from 2000 to 2014, acting as chair from 2006 to 2014, and also served for 6 years on the board of directors of the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA).

Cam currently facilitates many ACSA courses including Auditor Training, Leadership for Safety Excellence, Communication and Ethics and other courses leading to NCSO / NHSA certification.

Non-profit volunteerism undertaken includes Lloydminster Saskatchewan’s first Habitat for Humanity build and serving as a board member and dog walker for the Lloydminster and District SPCA.

"We are dedicated to empowering organizations with the knowledge and tools needed to create a culture of safety excellence."


What Sets Us Apart

Tailored Safety Solutions, Diverse Expertise

Cam started Pencor Safety Consulting recognizing that some organizations don’t yet need a full time safety coordinator, but also knowing that the workload is too great and becoming too complex to put on a worker or manager with many other tasks to address to which Safety Coordinator is just one more hat that they must wear.

Cam has field experience in positions from labourer to lead hand journeyman carpenter, administrative experience in home sales and sales management. Major roles have included estimator, safety coordinator, project manager, and managing partner. 

Possessing a strong background in residential, commercial and industrial construction, Cam has the experience necessary to build the program that will not only work, but work for you and your company.

Safety Consulting & Audits Edmonton, Calgary, Alberta - Pencor Safety Consulting

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Your Trusted Partner In Workplace Safety

Optimize Safety with Us

Enhance Efficiency with Our Comprehensive Safety Solutions

Incorporating safety measures is a crucial element of a comprehensive risk management strategy that any forward-thinking organization should consider indispensable in today’s dynamic business landscape.

When a well-structured safety system is seamlessly integrated into your daily operations, it doesn’t just ensure compliance and mitigate risks – it can also streamline processes and enhance efficiency. 

With Pencor Safety Consulting Ltd., you reap the benefits of shared wisdom and resources. With multiple clients, we can spread the cost of one safety consultant among several companies. We can also use the collective experience of all our clients to run each program more effectively.




3914 49 Avenue Beaumont, AB. T4X 1Y7

About Us

Pencor Safety Consulting provides comprehensive safety consulting, auditing, and safety program development along with  ISN and ComplyWorks compliance across Alberta.

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